The 2019-20 JDP Scholarship Fund recipient!

Keyshawn McMiller, FAMU

Keyshawn McMiller, FAMU

The Jayda Dionne Parker Scholarship Fund Board of Directors announces selection of Ms. Sydney Belcher, 2019-2020 Scholarship Recipient!

Mr. Keyshawn McMiller, an exceptional student at  FAMU with a 4.0 GPA,  is a talented writer, public speaker and motivator who is already taking steps towards establishing a non-profit organization which “aims to empower and increase the self-efficacies of Black youth with a focus on mental illness and disabilities”.  Mr. McMiller , having courageously overcome adversity at a young age,  has an outstanding record of service to others and exudes Jayda’s mantra:  "hard work, determination, benevolence."


5th Annual JDP Walk


The 2018-19 JDP Scholarship Fund recipient!